Det bedste fra mig og mine venner.
Originalnumre skrevet og indspillet af, ja hvem mon? Klik og lyt!
Finder du noget, der fænger, måske i din position som musiker, producer eller pladeselskab,
så genindspil musikken og få et hit!

With a little help from me and my friends
Original songs written and recorded by.... Guess who?? - Come and listen!
If you find something interesting , maybe in you position as a musician, a producer
or record company, then rerecord the music and have a hit!

Det bedste fra mig og mine venner
(Til Musikken)

Er du musikdistributør, etableret musiker, stjerne i svøb eller på anden måde involveret i musikbranchen, og står du med et latent behov for det rigtige materiale til de rigtige riller? Klik og Lyt!

Fandt du noget, der rykker?

Rettighedshaverne til musikken på denne side er villige til enten selv at samarbejde omkring projekter eller indstillet på genindspilning og udgivelse i andre musikalske kollegaers regi. Kontakt os venligst med henblik på muligheder (og evt. begrænsninger).

Nogle af numrene har været spillet rundt omkring, f.eks. er ”Dunas of Maspalomas” et hit på Gran Canaria, og distribueres af bl.a. Radio Mi Amigo (se fanshop på,

og flere ”Cottoncoats”-numre spilles på diverse danske lokalradioer.

De fleste numre er dog indspillet som demoversioner og har ikke været distribueret i salgsøjemed.

Nogle numre kan være reserveret; det er en lang og kedelig historie omkring figurering på nogle amerikanske producenters hjemmesider, men glem det i første omgang.

Send en mail, hvis du finder noget anvendeligt.

Tekster, chordsheets m.m. kan udleveres ved seriøse henvendelser.

With a little help from me and my friends
(To the Music)

Are you a music distributor, an established musician, an upcomer or in other ways involved in the music business?

Do you have a latent demand for the right material for the right project, then take a listen!

Did you find anything groovy?

The copyright owners to the music on this site are ready to either involve themselves personally or to accept a rerecording and a new release. Please contact us for further information (and potential limitations).

Some of the songs have already been played in public, “Dunas of Maspalomas” is a hit in Gran Canaria, and is distributed by Radio Mi Amigo (check out fanshop in ),

and more songs of the “Cottoncoats” are played by Danish radio stations.

Most songs, although, are recorded as demoversions and have not been used for commercial distribution yet.

Some songs may be reserved; it is a long boring story about appearance on some American producers' websites, but forget that for a start.

If you find something interesting, then drop a mail.

Lyrics, chordsheets etc. may be handed over by serious applications.

God fornøjelse /Have fun

Everybody get of my back, I just need
"A long ride on easystreet"

After all that I have been through, I must be significant stronger in the end.
"What doesn't kill you, makes stronger in the end"

Oh, what a feeling to be
"Back in the Canarians"

Why don't you go and have fun?
"Down in the sun"

Are you searching for the right moments, or is it just an

Sit down in the theatre, enjoy the show, make a little reflection, then you know -
“When the time is right”

People are crazy, but people are nice, everybody is going lulco in the
“Dunas of Maspalomas”

When you work in a liberal business, you don't really care, at least
“I don't care what they call me (just as long as they call me)”

How do you get succes? hmm, well of course, sure thing; you got to have a
Voice like a Bass

Is everyone on your back, aren't you worth more than that? Come on,
“Let it go man”

What did you put in that cocktail? If I knew it, would I then call it a
“Drink surprise”

Does everybody tell you what to do? Don't you want to make your own decisions? Well, you know
“It ain't over ‘til the fat lady sings”

No lyrics at this one, maybe you are a copywriter? Feel free to do something about it. The working title is:
“You were born to be wild”

In the urban jungle you can do whatever you want, or can you?
“Urban choises”



Ja, dengang fandtes der rigtige mænd.
Once upon a time, there were real men.
(lyrics in danish)
“Regnvåd cottoncoat”

Ok, I'm serious, but do I have to?
“Althoug serious”

You can get lost everywhere, even in a dream.
“Lost in a dream”

We love when 5 year old guys join our concerts.
“Hey little man”

It is hard to see, but you and she can feel it.
Invisible affection”
